So I've been in Toronto for 7 days now. It rained today, and the air smells like it's been cleaned out a bit. I don't know from what, really, I don't recall what it smelled like before, but I've heard claims of the city's odour ranging from "smoky" to "like a towel that didn't totally dry so it ends up smelling like wet dog."
It's been hot here, like borderline too hot. It's muggy and humid. and yes I did know it was going to be like that before I came here, but it didn't make it much easier to adjust. I haven't worn jeans since I got here (apart from when I arrived) which is weird since that's pretty much appropriate every day in Vancouver.
So I got all my stuff, (the boxes virtually disintegrated after I got them from Greyhound, but my stuff inside was mostly okay) a place to sleep for a while and a 416 phone number. Now to find work. What kind? Well I'm looking for everything from my "fall-back Joe-job" IT support gigs to sound and music work, because for the time being I just want to do something, anything to help me settle and get back into the black financially. I got some great deals moving out here but it's still a hit to the wallet, as I'm sure so many of you know.
So in short, I'm here, I'm good, and I'm ready to get to know the city a little better.
Big thanks to Rob, James, Brandon, Jorie, Denise and Brett and any smaller players that helped me translocate. All help is hugely appreciated.
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